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  Mission Statement


It is the mission of In His Care Children’s Center to provide a safe, loving, and enriching learning environment that encourages children to know who they are in Christ and develop into who God created them to be. 

  Philosophy of In His Care


Each child is uniquely created in God’s image. Each child has gifts and callings given to them by their creator. As Teachers, we will create a learning environment that enables children to develop these gifts and callings. 



Our curriculum is Bible-based. Each teacher will develop lessons on the strengths and challenges of each child in their class. We follow the standards that Arkansas Childhood Division implements for child care centers.​ We also use the Arkansas CDELS for the assessment of the children throughout the school year.

  Discipline Policy



In His Care works towards bringing out each Child’s unique gifts and talents to help them grow in spirit, soul, and body. We believe in encouraging each child with uplifting communication. We will encourage each child to express themselves in a way that benefits them as individuals. We will redirect Children’s challenging behavior to diffuse the situation. At times if the child is hurting themselves or others then time out will be used. If necessary, a call to the parent or caregiver will be done in order to help with the situation. We will refer the child to behavior help when all steps have been taken and nothing we are doing seems to help with the challenging behavior.  At times it is necessary to refer a child to services like speech therapy, occupational, or behavior therapy. When we refer a child, it is your responsibility to follow through on paperwork and anything that is required to get the child these services. If you do not follow through with the services that In His Care Children’s Center is requesting, it could be considered neglect and can be reported to DHS.



In His Care believes in promoting respect for all our families. We believe that each family is their children’s primary teachers, caregivers, and greatest influence in their lives. Every

conversation between you as the family and the staff will be kept confidential. It will be on a need to know basis when information is shared. Every family needs to know that every

staff member is a mandated reporter which means we will report suspected abuse or any communication that expresses that abuse is going on in the home. If at anytime DHS staff wants to interview your child while in attendance here if a report has been made then by law, they can even without your consent.






In His Care Children’s Center strives to be great at communicating to the parents and guardians about all aspects of their child’s or children’s day, challenges, attendance, or anything that pertains to caring for the children in our care. Likewise, we ask the parents or guardians to keep us informed about the child or children in our care. Make sure we know if a child is not going to be attending for the day, week, or anytime the child will not be in our care. There are times that staff might need to take a personal day to attend to their family needs. If the attendance is low for the day then the staff member could take that day to get the needs of their families taken care of. Once you communicate that the child or children will not be coming for the day then that will have to be followed. If you happen to have a change in your circumstance that you do need to change the absent day then call before hand to see if we can accommodate this request. We will always do our very best to serve our family’s needs. We do a health check every day. The health check consist of documenting temperatures, any bruises, abrasion, rashes, and the overall appearance of your child.    

  Procedures for Enrollment and Withdrawal


Enrollment is based on the age of the child and if we have an opening for       that age.

There is a registration fee of $55.00 dollars a year per family

There is a supply fee of $65.00 a year per family.

Withdrawal needs to be in writing with a two weeks’ notice

If the child is taken out without a two weeks’ notice or doesn’t stay the           whole two weeks you will still be charged the two full weeks.


Required forms for enrollment:

(These forms must be on file before the child attends In His Care)

Birth certificate

* Childcare contract signed

* Mission statement and policies read and signed

Child and Family data sheet

Immunization chart



Inclement weather

In His Care does not close for weather. This poses challenges for childcare.

If your children or children in your care are going to be attending during inclement weather, we will need to know by 6:30 am so I can make sure enough staff is here for the day. If we are not notified by 6:30 am there will

not be childcare available for that day.




Tuition is due the Friday before the week begins. It is on a prepaid basis. If payment is not made prior to the care of the child, then services will not be provided until payment is rendered. Full payment for the week is still owed even if the child didn’t attend their enrolled time slot. In His Care reserves the right to terminate enrollment if tuition is not paid.

There will be a $30.00 charge for all returned checks. A late fee will be charged at $15.00 a day for late Tuition payments. 


There are 19 days That we close for Holidays.

Tuition is still due for these days.......


*Good Friday and Monday After Easter

*July 4th

*Memorial Day

*Labor Day

*The day before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, and the day after.

*December 22nd to January 2nd for Christmas and New Years Holidays


When these holidays fall on the weekend, In His Care will be closed on the Friday before and Monday after and Tuition is still due for these days.

If your child is on vouchers and the absent days allowed by vouchers are used, then you will be responsible for days that your child has missed, and if the vouchers do not cover all my holidays, then you are responsible for the tuition.



In His Care will close three weeks out the year. There will be a months’ notice before closing. This will allow vacations to be taken. Tuition will not be required for closings due for vacations. 

  Personal Items 


In His Care has a no toy from home policy. We will not be responsible for a child losing their toy or it being broken while here at the center. No outside food is allowed to be brought for your child to consume on these premises. If you want to bring something special for your kid's birthday to share with every child then just let us know when you are bringing it. All items have to be store-bought and cannot be made at home. Please bring three changes of clothes. Remember to dress your child for success. In His Care provides care for multiple children of all ages. It is very important that your child’s clothing helps the child be successful while playing, jumping, and running. Tennis shoes are highly recommended and clothing that can be easily taken off and on especially during potty training stage.



I have an open-door policy. You are welcome at In His Care Children’s center at any time. If you would love to come visit with your child at any time you are encouraged to do so. If at any time you have any concerns, please communicate these concerns immediately so we can work on a solution together. At times In His Care might not be able to do anything about your concerns if it goes against licensing policy. 


  Illness and Emergency Policy


We follow the Arkansas Division of Children policy for illness. A copy is attached for your connivance. We will conduct monthly fire and tornado drills to make sure that everyone at In His Care is prepared to get the kids to safety promptly and safely. There is an emergency preparedness plan that provides guidelines for a variety of emergency situations. Such as

Terrorist attacks, winter storms, flooding, earthquakes, that potentially violent situations, and any medical emergencies may occur. This plan is in a binder in the office and you are welcome to look at it any time. All emergencies will be communicated to the Parents and/or caregivers as soon as possible. All IMMUNIZATIONS need to be scheduled for a Friday afternoon so that your child can be taken care of at home while the side effects from the shots are working through the child. 




I have Read all policies and procedures. I agree to adibe by all policies and procedures,



PARENT OR GAURDIANS SIGNATURE________________________________________





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